Every Memory Deserves Respect is a warm, accessible, and helpful book. With its mix of personal stories and authoritative information, Every Memory Deserves Respect is an unusually effective introduction to a complicated and important subject.
Through compelling science, personal stories, and powerful photographic images, readers will learn how trauma is stored in the brain and body, continuing to cause pain and suffering, and how EMDR has the power to repattern their thinking and emotional reactions, and ultimately set them free.
Clear, informative, hopeful, and empowering, Every Memory Deserves Respect is the first step toward transformative healing and recovery.
EMDR is a memory-focused psychotherapy that helps people deal with the impact and legacy of trauma and adverse experiences in their lives. It is based on the idea that psychological problems are related to a failure to adequately process traumatic experiences/memories. Unprocessed traumatic memories, frozen in our nervous system, continue to affect how we perceive things, decisions we make, reactions we have, and the beliefs we hold about ourselves and others. They can directly lead to symptoms that cause on-going distress. There are many discussions of the positive outcomes associated with EMDR in the media.
Cape Cod Institute: EMDR Therapy and the Treatment of Complex PTSD in Adult Survivors of Childhood Abuse and Neglect
EMDRIA Virtual Summit